Amiga CD-Sensation: Golden Games
Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 2 - Golden Games (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso
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453 lines
PowerBattle is a light multiplayer strategygame. Game is played on
hex-based map that is linked from edges. Units are players' military
force that is used to conquer & defence & finally eliminate the enemy.
Cities produce more units.
* 2-8 players (demo currently limited to 4)
* Limited visibility; Vision & Visible-From ranges for all units
* Air-, ground-, sea- & underwater units
* Limited fuel (other than ground units)
* Artillery strikes, damaging terrain
* Tech-level development (currently automatic)
* Transporters and Carriers
* Stealthy submarine units; diving & surface states
* Combat Report
* Refuelling & repairing in cities & carriers
* TerrainDamageThreatSystem: risky terrains
* Message system
* Multitasking
* Mouse-keyboard interface; Optional Panel Buttons
* Detail Map Editor
* Type Editor for Units & TerrainHexs
* 3 extra map zoomlevels; showing units & production
* Special abilities: building roads, bridges etc.
* City size effects on production
* Infantry unit features: hiding, anti-tank, engineers, parachute
-- UNITS --
Each UnitType has properties that represent units' abilities, for
example Moves (moving speed), HitPoints (general health) etc.
UnitTypes can be divided to groups. Two most important groups are
MoveTypeGroup and BattleTypeGroup.
MoveTypeGroup tells where UnitType is allowed to move (and where NOT):
ground units may NOT move in water, big ships are NOT allowed to move
in low water etc.
BattleTypeGroup is one of the following: AIR, GROUND, SEA or SUB.
Each UnitType has ATTACK- and DEFENCE-values for all these 4. This
adds versatility while keeping rules relatively simple.
-- TIPS --
* Press h to view help-screen.
* Panel Buttons can be set from preferences.
* In start, produce TBoat / MechInf units; search new cities.
- Requested number of cities are automatically placed to map
- Players are placed as far from each as possible
- All players start with (requested) n nearest cities
- First five turns are 'Protected'. No violence is allowed
- During Protection players get multiple turns a time.
Technology advance count all these turns.
-- MOVES --
In order to move:
-Target terrain must be of suitable MoveType
-Unit must have sufficiently MovingPoints (Moves)
-Unit must have Fuel (if it uses fuel)
-Target terrain must not have any other unit of same
battletype OR target terrain must be city
-In city there may only be maximum 12 units
TerrainHex's DamageThreat is constant representing how easily it may
damage units moving there. Unit's ThreatDefence represents how much
it can turn away this kind of damage. ThreatDefence may decrease if
unit is damaged.
IF ThreatDefence < DamageThreat:
LET Damage = (0-100% of DamageThreat) - (0-100% of ThreatDefence)
If Damage is positive, HitPoints is decreased by damage.
Move to the same hex with enemy to enter CloseCombat. Artillery
Strikes are separate, see controls.
In CloseCombat attacker's and defender's hex is active in turn.
Active hex's all units in turn try to damage other hex's units. Then,
active hex is switched.
In Artillery Strikes only single attacker unit attempts to damage
units in the target hex. There is a minimum distance of two hexes for
artillery attacks.
Here is an example of SINGLE damaging attempt. Note: 'attacker'
doesn't have to be the one who started.
Attacker: Panzer - GROUND unit
Defender: Bomber - AIR unit
LET Max_Attack = Panzer's AIR-Attack
LET Max_Defence = Bomber's GROUND-Defence
At this point, Max values are modified. Possible modifications:
-Veteran Bonus * 1.0 - 1.5
-Defence Bonus * 0.1 - 2.0 (defence only)
-Ranged Attack * 0.5 - 3.0 (attack value)
-Light Ground Modifier * 0.1 - 2.0 (if defender is infantry)
Modified values are Max_Mod_ -values. Next:
LET Attack = 25-100% of Max_Mod_Attack
LET Defence = 25-100% of Max_Mod_Defence
LET Damage = Attack - Defence
IF Damage is positive, defender's HitPoints is decreased by damage.
Multiple players may have units in same hex. Units wonät
automatically attack if they are not of same kind (battletype). use
Force attack key, a, to force battle.
Transporters and Carriers can be used to transport, refuel & repair
units. Only AT-Fighters or AT-Bombers may use Carrier. During one
turn only limited number of units can be (un)loaded.
-Set 'Unit to be loaded nearby tranporter' to LoadPrep
-Order Carrier to Load
-Select unit from CargoList, with right mouse button
To cancel Unloading:
-Select transporter with right mouse button on map (in the same hex)
If carrier unit is AirTransport, only prachuted units can be unloaded
outside cities. All infantry EXCLUDING basic infatry, are parachuted.
Air Transporter units can load only in cities.
Units are automatically repaired & refuelled in cities and carriers.
Cities repair themselves only if they are set not to produce anything.
- With Level command units can achieve
- better Defence
- decreased Vision & Visible-From ranges
- decreased Moving Points
- modified Ranged Attack Modifier (Artillery/Torpedo Strikes)
- modifies Ranged Attack Range
This equals to Infantry units' hiding & Submarine units' diving.
No other units currently have this feature.
- Settler units can build road and plain. Instant.
- Engineers units can build bridges. Takes 2 turns to finish.
Game Keys:
o Overview
p Overview Production
u Overview Units
1 Overview Toggle Air Units
2 Overview Toggle Ground Units
3 Overview Toggle Sea Units
4 Overview Toggle Sub Units
g Select Grid
c Cultivate Land
r Build Road
P Change to Plain
b Build Bridge
s Send Message
/ Capture City
\ Rename City
[ Select Prev. Active Unit + Set Temp. Sentry
] Select Next Active Unit + Set Temp. Sentry
{ Select Prev. Unit
} Select Next Unit
7 Select Prev. Active Unit
8 Select Next Active Unit
* End Turn
- Select Production OR Level command: Dive / hide
+ Select Production OR Change Bottom Unit Info Level
4 Move
5 Move
6 Move
1 Move
2 Move
3 Move
a Activate Attack for Next Move
0 Set Temp. Sentry
. Set Sentry
~ Select Zoom (the key above TAB)
K Suicide Kill this unit - no recovery!
Q Quit, no save!
Map Editor Keys:
f Fill Map Using Left Brush
q Quit to menu
s Select Map Size
t Select Editor type
b Select Brush Size
g Select Grid
o Overview
~ Select Zoom
End of Turn Menu Keys:
<Enter> Continue
Any Menu Keys:
<Enter> First menu selection
Definer Keys:
[ Page Left
] Page Right
- Page Up
+ Page Down
~ Swap Column/Row with neighour. select cursor key as direction
Cursor keys or mouseclick to move.
Editors has accessories to edit maps and unit & hex definitions.
There is also a CLI -only command 'grabber' that can be used to grab
graphics from IFF files. By using these, it is possible to access all
settings & graphics. Here's some useful docs:
Grabber takes no parameters. It needs following files:
Palettes are specially arranged and changing them must be done
carefully. Or must be left undone.
Hex Defition Datas:
Color - Not used in definer.
MAllow - Movement Types allowed in this hex
MCost - Movement Point Cost
Threat - Threat Value. Greater means more risky & dangerous
ADmg - Changes to what hex if damaged
DBon - Defence bonus
CSize - City Size. Affects building & production
Damage - Hex 'Strength' agai against damaging. Greater means harder.
Mult - Map Editor autofeature: Promote to which hex if
surrounded by multihex.
VChg - Which Move Types may activate Level in this hex
Num - Multishape 'father' hex, where definitions are taken from
Unit Definition Datas:
MTyp - Movement Type
Mov - Moving Points - non-leveled
Mov2 - Moving Points - leveled
TDef - Threat Defence
Fuel - Fuel Tank
Refu - Refuel Fuel Points Per Turn
CTyp - May carry which Movement Types
Crgo - Cargo space size (divided by three)
Lods - How many (un)loadings allowed per Turn
Tech - Required tech-level
PTim - Production Time
Cost - Reserved
Hits - HitPoints
Rep - Repair points Per Turn
Lvls - Levels: 0 no leveling ability, 1 able to level
Btp - BattleType: 1 air, 2 gnd, 3 sea, 4 sub
AIRa - Attack points against Air units
GNDa - Attack points against Ground units
SEAa - Attack points against Sea units
SUBa - Attack points against Submarine units
AIRd etc- Defence points from relevant units
LGM - Light Ground unit Modifier. Used if enemy is infantry.
Rng - Ranged Attack Range, non-leveled
Rng2 - Ranged Attack Range, leveled
Amm - Ammunitation Storage
Sts - Ranged Attack Shots Per Turn
AMd - Leveled Attack Modifier
DMd - Leveled Defence Modifier
CAtt - City attack modifier
Vsr - Vision Range, non-leveled
Vsr3 - Vision Range, leveled
VFrm - Visible-From Range, non-leveled
VF2 - Visible-From Range, leveled
LUI - Leveled Unit Icon Number
fff etc.- Reserved
Sfx - Sfx Number
Freq - Sfx Frequence
Spes - Special Abilities
Undef - Reserved
L - Reserved
Movement Types:
1 - Air
2 - AT-Air. May use Carrier
4 - Ligth Ground
8 - Heavy Ground
16 - Light Ships
32 - Heavy Ships
64 - Submarine
128 - Reserved
Battle Types:
1 - Air
2 - Ground
3 - Sea
4 - Sub
5 - City, Ground
Special Abilities:
1 - Has parachute
2 - Change to Plain
4 - Change to Field
8 - Change to Road
16 - Build Bridge
32 - Build Fortress
64 - May NOT defence from city
Fortress is allowed to be done on CSizes 5-9
Road CSizes: 4-9
Bridge CSizes: 2-2
Plain CSizes: 4-9
Field CSize: 4-9
-- WANTED --
The game needs BADLY
1) Automatic Map generator
2) Computer Opponents - Artificial intelligence
If these can be achieved, there migth be a chance for commercial
product. If You can offer me any kind of help or support or are
interested in co-operation, please contact.
For automatic map generator I have rough plans. For computer
opponents' AI I have little more spesific plans, but it may take time
to get them working, and it will most likely require assembly coding.
Please note that 'PowerBattle' is only a project name, I've heard
there exists another game with the same name.
-- AUTHOR --
Code, graphics, sounds, design etc. so far by Timo Suoranta, written
& compiled using Acid Software's Blitz Basic 2. Greetings to Kalle
Timo Suoranta
Urjalantie 34
31900 Punkalaidun
Phone in Finland: 921-7674201